Home Education

www.agik.co.uk photo credit Nicolette WellsWe can support you to enjoy journeying with your children in life without school.

We offer personal consultations to help you formulate your own unique home education plan. Watching the films we have made about our lives here, may be all you need to inspire, inform and encourage you, so please do watch them first.

We also love to travel together as a family and can visit your group to show our films, talk and Q&A we require somewhere to stay, travel costs and a donation to do this.

Here’s a newspaper article about the way we home educate http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/home-education-answer-school-places-7784003
Here’s 13 year old Agi K answering some of the questions she gets asked about her home education.

And here are the trailers to the award winning series that Agi K has been making annually since she was eight documenting her life growing up with her sister, Magdalena. You can rent or buy the complete series through the links at the end of these trailers if you like.

My Little Sister (who happens to have Down’s syndrome) The first 7 films from Agi K

My Little Sister (who happens to have Down’s syndrome) Episode 8 from Agi K

There are lots of social media groups that you can join and lots of support from the Home Ed community out there!
Here is a website full of really useful information:

Please contact us to find out more.

All perfection and every divine virtue are hidden within you. Reveal them to the world’ Babaji